Hi, no releases here, just a technical update of the website, but an important one!
Ads, donations, cookies and GRPD
I've heard your complaints about the ads, I never liked them too, but I did not have much idea what to do instead.
And now, here's a step away from them! The website accepts donations.
If you make a donation, the website will instantly disable ads, for everyone.
The duration will depends of the server cost. If you donate one month worth of server costs, then the ads will be disabled for a month!
You can find the donation link after every downloads, or in the FAQ.
Thank you for your help
A little late, since I was away, but the Library is now compliant with the GRPD. Mainly, you will be able to appreciate the beautiful and despised cookie banner!
And other really boring stuff, like did you knew that the staff couldn't use the search bar due to a bug present since years? Well the fix was long overdue.