The Bears Bear a Bare Kuma 2

Hey all, I'm (mostly) alive again! And I brought with me the long awaited volume 2.

The funny thing is that it was actually already posted on my site about half a week ago. I just never came around to actually updating it in the library due to various reasons (laziness is quite the troublesome disease).

In any case, enjoy the novel!


saskir's avatar saskir's avatar saskir's avatar
saskir / 13 Aug 2016 19:10
That is called "procrastination". Really contagious. Thanks for the epub. Now I can delete my subpar epub. Besides I don't know if the font has those symbols you are searching for but I would recommend looking at Linux Biolinum. This is the font I like to use. Although some prefer Linux Libertine, as it has more font types.
Nephery's avatar Nephery's avatar Nephery's avatar
Nephery / 14 Aug 2016 22:07
Procrastination is all a part of the path to becoming a professional.

Also, I just checked out Linux Biolinum and Libertine. Sad to say that it doesn't support corner brackets (my base requirements for a fall-back font).
Loct's avatar Loct's avatar Loct's avatar
Loct / 14 Aug 2016 16:53
Thanks for the treat

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