Slave Harem ch1-100

So, no release since nearly two weeks except the little Kuro no Maou).. Yeah time is hard, lot of other work to do and I felt bad to not release anything new.
In the same time it start to be hard to find stuff to make in epub, so if you ave any request don't hesitate to say it !.

Like Slave Harem, until now I avoided MTL translations, but since it was a request I didn't really knew what to do.. it's done.

Also, I made it by chapter grouping.. don't quite like it, but I cound't find a correlation between the published version and the webversion. Si if you know how is actually split the story, I'll be able to add covers.


Ginga's avatar Ginga's avatar Ginga's avatar
Ginga / 3 Feb 2016 11:47
hello just to inform you the chapter 8 is not complete and thank you for all you work
Armaell's avatar Armaell's avatar Armaell's avatar
Armaell / 3 Feb 2016 11:57
Oooh, true !
The chapter 8 is now complete ;)
Thank you for noticing me.

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