Mother of Learning V01

Well, you did seen nothing, but I just get out of a lot of technical problems. Like it took me two days to generate the pdf file after everything was done. Simply because my computer didn't wanted to open the folder were it was ... On the same time, the website was "virtually" down. It was in fact frozen, the cache didn't wanted to refresh, or being removed. So I couldn't do anthing since whatever I was doing, what was displayed never changed ... Good mess.

But at least I have a good news ! After being asked, I asked the author if I could do it, and now I have done Mother of Learning by nobody103 ! (sadly, no answer from the illustrator who did .. well illustrations. So no pictures in this version. Maybe later) And what can I say about it ? Mmmmh, like it was actually in my "To Read List". And while I was doing the epub file, we could say I got caught in.. Love the story !

The author need to be praised to be able to do this ; I believe, really hard exercise. Were it's really easy to end up boring the reader. But no, it's an incredible story.
Even the way things are told on the school life make me think : That's how Harry Potter should have been.
Yes Yes, nobody103, I'm comparing you to a world best-seller.

And to end this comment. One thing I think it's the proof of what differentiate thos who write web-fictions and true amateur writers : nobody103 have already a plan, since he said he would do 3 arcs. It means he know where he is going.

Have fun reading it, Even more if you never did !


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